Other Resources
Must-Know Resources for Teaching and Learning Biology that I Use Regularly:
HHMI Biointeractive - Short Films, Holiday Lectures, animations, and fantastic lessons by leading experts.
American Biology Teacher - Journal of the National Association of Biology Teachers has excellent monthly lessons and articles on teaching biology.
National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science - Collection of peer-reviewed case studies on all major science topics.
Bozeman Science - Paul Anderson's YouTube lectures are indispensable for learners.
Scitable - An Excellent library of articles produced by Nature Publishing Group.
Science Podcasts: Science Friday, Radiolab, Invisibilia, TED Radio Hour. These help me keep current in science while running, cycling, and driving. Caution: Only use one ear bud if cycling while listening to podcasts.
Biology Education Podcasts: Horizontal Transfer and Life of the School.